Monday, March 31, 2008

Kaitlyn Grace

How cute are these pictures of Kaitlyn!?! She's all decked out in leopard print, her mommy's favorite pattern. I love how she is puckering up her lips, just like Nikki does! She's gorgeous Nikki!!! The one of her with her eyes closed is my favorite.

Monday, March 24, 2008

She's Here!!!

Im sitting in the hospital family lounge waiting for Nikki to come out of recovery. She had a beautiful baby girl, 8lbs 8oz. I can't wait to post pictures of her for everyone to see. Congratulations Nikki, I love you!!


Happy Easter! We had so much fun this weekend. Saturday night we dyed eggs so the Easter Bunny could hide them for Jonathan in the morning. We tried letting Jonathan drop some of the eggs in the dye, but everytime he got his hands on an egg, he would try and chuck it across the room or smash it on the highchair table! So he just got to sit and watch the rest of the eggs being dyed. Easter morning Jonathan got to search for the eggs the Easter Bunny hid for him. He made sure to hide them in spots where Jonathan would be able to find them. He did such a great job. He found all the eggs! And of course he got spoiled with TONS of toys and Easter baskets!

My cutie pie!

I had to post this picture. Look at that face! he was starting to throw a fit because daddy wouldn't let him play in the bathroom. You can't read his shirt, but it sums up what he would do to a room he's not supposed to be in. it says, "CAUTION! I WRECK THINGS!"
Jonathan LOVES to play with his little tonka toy cars and trucks. he was trying to show me that he had a truck in this picture.
When he plays with the cars he rolls them on any flat surface he can find and he says, "brrrroooooommm brrrrrroooooommm!" It's so freakin cute!
Giving mommy loves and kisses! isn't he the sweetest little boy.
I can totally see he saying "What sucka?" in this picture! HA HA HA!
He figured out how to put our shoes on and walk around in them. The funny part is when he puts my dressy flats on and walks around the house. hopefully that doesn't become a habit!