Monday, March 24, 2008


Happy Easter! We had so much fun this weekend. Saturday night we dyed eggs so the Easter Bunny could hide them for Jonathan in the morning. We tried letting Jonathan drop some of the eggs in the dye, but everytime he got his hands on an egg, he would try and chuck it across the room or smash it on the highchair table! So he just got to sit and watch the rest of the eggs being dyed. Easter morning Jonathan got to search for the eggs the Easter Bunny hid for him. He made sure to hide them in spots where Jonathan would be able to find them. He did such a great job. He found all the eggs! And of course he got spoiled with TONS of toys and Easter baskets!

1 comment:

Nick and Munica Brophy said...

aww he's hunting for eggs!! Suzanne your baby is adorable!!!!