Wow, it's been forever since I've posted a blog. Well let me just start by saying that I'm having the best holiday season ever. One of the reasons is because.............
MY NEW CAR!!!!!!!!
Isn't she beautiful!!!!!!!!!! These aren't the greatest pictures, but it was the best i could do. I only had so much space to walk around in my garage. Anyways, it's an Imperial Blue 2009 Chevy Malibu with light grey interior cloth.
The second reason this is the best holiday season is because i get to spend it with my family. This Thanksgiving Me, Jon, Jonathan, my mom, and dad went back east to Maryland to visit my sister. It was so much fun. I was so scared for Jonathan to be on a plane. i thought he ould be screaming and crying, but he wa perfect!

Jonathan's first plane ride. He was so good that you wouldn't have even known there was a 2 year old sitting right next to us. He was a sleep the whole time. these are the only two pictures i got when he was awake, because the rest of the time he was sleeping! He was such a good boy!

One of the days we were in Baltimore, Erica took us to the Aquarium. It was so fun. We got to see a dolphin show and Jonathan loved that! We got him a dolphin stuffed animal and he plays with it saying "the dolphin jumping in the water." It's so cute. But anyways, we pretty much wore his little butt out that day. We went to lunch after the aquarium and this is how he spend the whole lunch time...........

This is Thanksgiving day. We spent it at Erica and John's house. My sister cooked her very first Thanksgiving dinner and it was so good! she did a great job. i helped her a little bit. it was nice to spend time with her in the kitchen. we never get to do that because we never get to see eachother! We had a great time.

Jon and Jonathan coming downstairs after getting ready for the day. Aren't my boys so handsome?

I was surprised that Jon let me take a picture like this. He hates being all lovey dovey like. he's always like, "That's gay" but i guess he was in the holiday spirit so i had to take a snapshot of this!
Right down the street from Erica's house is HUGE park. It is so beautiful too. While waiting for the turkey to be done, we took Jonathan to play. He had a blast. I think he would live in that park if he could, he loved it so much.

Isn't this the best picture. His face sums it all up on how much he loved this park.

Ok, so when i saw him climbing up this, i knew it was a bad idea, so i was ready with the camera.

He totally got stuck. I was laughing so hard i didn't know what to do. i just left him hanging for like 2mins cuz i was laughing so hard. he wasn't hurt though.
This is Luther. One of the cutest and sweetest dogs. He's Erica's and John's dog. It was so cute when he was playing with Jonathan because they were the same height!

This is John. My sister's boyfriend. It was crazy because we had a house full of Jon's. There was my Jon, Jonathan, my sister's John and his dad's name was John. It was funny when i would say Jon and three heads would turn.
My sister in the kitchen cooking he first Thanksgiving dinner.

Jonathan, my dad, and Luther eyeballing the bowl of chips.

Well i hope everyone is having the greatest holiday season like me. I'll try and not take so long to post my next update. HAPPY 2009!!!!!!!