Saturday, October 27, 2007

Carving Pumpkins!

Say cheese! We're getting ready to carve our pumpkins. This is our first year carving pumpkin's together so this was an exciting event. Even though Jonathan got super bored and I was trying to feed him and keep him occupied during the whole thing, it was still tons of fun! (Kristin, notice my book bag was opened. I was working hard on school stuff this weekend! HeHeHe!)

First things first. We need to wash our pumpkins off. Jon's pumpkin was so dang big it would barely fit in our sink!

Jonathan was bored because he couldn't carve a pumkin, so me and Jon let him have some pumpkin stuff. He loved sucking on it. I didn't want him eating it, but I guess since a pumpkin is a fruit it won't hurt him.

Jon drew his picture onto his pumpkin. He found a picture and drew it just by looking at it. He's such a good artist.

This is my finished pumkin. I thought I did pretty good, don't cha think? (Shhhh...I cheated and used a stencil.)

This is Jon's finished pumpkin. I thought it was pretty cool.


Anonymous said...

Wow he did a good job carving those things huh!? How do i get to have you guys as friends on here?! HELP ME SUZANNE!

Kristin Bishop said...

I can't believe I haven't left a comment yet....What? I look at them over and over....and think, how in the crap did they carve those? Did you notice how I didn't put a picture of my finished pumpkin on my blog! HA HA....pathetic looking I promise! I promise to send you those pics tomorrow!