Sunday, October 14, 2007

Tagged by Kristin!

5 Things I was doing ten years ago.
1. Following my sister and her friends around thinking I was cool because they were older.
2. Listening to my Backstreet Boys CD and covering my bedroom walls with posters.
3. Working at Hy-Vee as a cashier. OMG! I hated it!!
4. Hanging out with my family on the weekends because I wasn't old enough to drive and stay
out late.
5. Being 14 and not having to worry about anything except for making sure I stay in the "in
crowd" in highschool.

5 Things on my to do list.

1. Buy thank you cards for Jonathan's birthday.
2. Clean the kitchen and mop the floors. 3. Do laundry.

4. Exchange one of Jonathan toys that is missing pieces.

5. Fill out thank you cards and send them out.

5 Things I would do with a million dollars.

1. Put some away for Jonathan's college.

2. Buy a nice house and a family car.

3. Give some to my family.
4. Visit my sister in Maryland.
5. Have a destination wedding in Tahiti or Ireland.

5 Things I would never wear again.

1. I agree with Kristin about the body suits. I used to wear those all the time. What was I thinking???!!!

2. Neon anything! I used to wear neon socks.

3. Jelly shoes. I loved those things, but there's no way I would ever put a pair of jellies on my feet ever again.

4. Bright magenta lipstick. That's all I have to say about that.
5. Glasses with ugly frames and pink tinted lenses. Don't ask.

5 Favorite toys.

1. My computer. Jon hates it when I'm on it!

2. My camera. I like taking pictures of Jonathan.

3. My battery operated pumpkin carver. It's a lot easier to carve cool pictures on my pumpkin
with that than it is with a regular pumkin carver. Weird, I know.

4. My coach purses. I only have 2, but I love them!

5. My son, he's not a toy but I love to play with him when he's not sleeping!

5 Friends I'm tagging.

OK, here's the sad part. I have no blogger friends so I can't tag anybody. I could tag Kristin, but that would be pointless since she tagged me. So sorry, but I'm not tagging anyone.

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